These instructions are for you who have been prescribed a corset by your doctor as part of your treatment.


Be aware

Instructions for you

How to put on the corset

Further instructions for you

How to get up from the bed by using “the elbow method”

More information


If you experience problems or if you have any questions, please contact:


Ortopædkirurgisk Klinik (Orthopaedic Surgery, Outpatient Clinic), Gødstrup Regional Hospital

Hospitalsparken 15, DK-7400 Herning

Weekdays 08:00-14:00, Secretary: tel. +45 7843 7580


You can contact our department if you have any questions to our instructions.

Fysio- og Ergoterapi (Physiotherapy and Ergotherapy), Gødstrup Regional Hospital, Hospitalsparken 15, DK-7400 Herning.

Tel. +45 7843 4300, from 08:00 to 12:00.

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Brug ikke informationen på denne side til at stille dine egne diagnoser, og følg kun instruktionerne i vejledningen, hvis hospitalet har henvist dig til siden.