We offer on-line Parentcraft Classes for english speaking first time parents.The birth preparation classes include 3 webinars.

You will have information about the birth from the start of contractions at home to delivery.  There will also be information about the stages of birth, options for pain relief, coping strategies and complications in relation to birth.

Gå ind på adressen øverst på siden for at se videoen.

This webinar gives you information about your newborn child. The purpose is to strengthen your skills of interpreting your child's language and needs. You get the opportunity to reflect on your own role in relation to your child's development. In addition, you will gain precise knowledge about skin to skin contact and breastfeeding.

Gå ind på adressen øverst på siden for at se videoen.

This webinar gives you information about your life as future parents and about the well-being of you as a new family. A good relationship as a couple is an important basis for both thriving as a family, and for your child. You get tools to strengthen you in paying attention to each other and strengthen your internal communication. You will learn about the normal reactions after birth and also the signs of postpartum depression.

Gå ind på adressen øverst på siden for at se videoen.


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